Usage: genum [VALUES] [HISTOGRAM] Compute histogram from the values in VALUES file, using the G-Enum method. The resulting histogram is output in HISTOGRAM file, with the lower value, upper value, length, frequency, probability and density per bin, using the csv format. -h display this help and exit -v display version information and exit Files: genum.exe: executable for Windows genum: executable for linux Ubuntu 18.04 and higher (tested on 18.04 and 22.04) allow executable permissions before use (ex: sudo chmod +x genum) README.txt: this file LICENSE.txt: licence file gaussian_values.txt: sample input file with values gaussian_histogram.csv: sample output file with resulting histogram Usage example: genum gaussian_values.txt gaussian_histogram.csv Reference: Valentina Zelaya Mendizabal, Marc Boulle and Fabrice Rossi, Fast and fully-automated histograms for large-scale data sets, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2022